Saturday, September 13, 2008

13 September 08 - It's a girl!

No this is not a repeat of my previous blog entry. My sister recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. The two chose not to find out what the baby was before it was born, but they had a sneaking suspicion that it would be a girl.



Mandi said...

Burke claims to have 'known' we were having a girl, but about 6 weeks before she was born, he changed his mind and said he 'knew' it was a boy. So much for knowing, right? I didn't really have any feeling either way, but habitually brought home girly stuff for the last couple weeks of my pregnancy, so maybe subconsciously I did know.

Love you!

sevenpennys said...

I thought it was a girl the whole time:). But that's good, Abby'll give Faith and Keely (and hopefully Avery-not sure yet) another girl to play with:)

Love you Hunny!