Monday, January 26, 2009

26 January 09 - Light at the end of the tunnel

Well, the end is nigh. I've just been told (yesterday actually) that I'll be home tomorrow.

That's right, TOMORROW!

It's been a great deployment, but I'm uber-excited for it to be over. My parents and Nikki and Keely are going to meet me at the Air Base and bring me back home. Granted, I'll have a bit more outprocessing to do after I get back home, but I'll be able to sleep in my own bed in my own house and be with my wife and baby girl.

I must admit, I'm a bit anxious about resuming life as a "civilian". I'm not excited about the job hunt that is about to ensue. I don't think my timing could have been much worse coming home unemployed with our recession and all, but I'm confident that I'll be able to find something. (If anybody has any suggestions on decent employment within 50 or so miles of Nephi, let me know)

Anxieties aside, I can't even begin to describe the relief that I feel to know that it's finally over with. I can't begin to describe how good that sounds to me about now.

I'll see you all soon.


Connie said...

It feels really good to all of us too. It is a great relief. Can't wait to see you and have you back for good. Love, MOM

Callie Hansen said...

wahoo! :)